We’re at the height of the home selling and buying season in the Delaware Valley, and good houses go fast. If buyers open up their search to  fixer-uppers, those houses that could use some love, you might still get your dream home.

We can help you.

Our Property Evaluation Program helps clients find homes with good bones, the do-able fixer-uppers, and then make the most of their potential. We’ll help you cull through your options, visit homes for sale with you to assess their possibilities, and advise you on the best remodeling options. We’re not home inspectors, though, and this isn’t a the inspection every home buyer should get from a licensed inspector.


“We love the lot, but the exterior is in bad shape

and we need more room.”

What To Look For

There are common factors that add value to a home:

  • Location/neighborhood
  • Condition
  • Number of bedrooms
  • School district (even if you don’t have kids, or kids in a public school, a good school district boosts your home’s value)
  • The lot the home sits on

And then there are the more personal attributes, including how close you are to family and friends, your commute, whether a walkable town like West ChesterNarberth orPhoenixville is important or you’d rather have a couple of acres to yourself in a country setting. The house’s architectural style also comes into play.

The turnkey houses — turn the key and all you need to do is move in — that check all those boxes are quickly snapped up. A similar — if cosmetically dated — home may be available, at a lower price. That diamond in the rough is overlooked because many buyers can’t see past ugly carpeting, a chopped-up interior layout, or vintage avocado kitchen. All of those things can be changed.

Red Flags

There are things to avoid, too, if you don’t want your project to devolve into money-pit status. A bad or cracked foundation is something to run away from, unless the house is priced to reflect the work that will have to go into it.

In this area of the world, on-site septic systems are common. Get a septic inspection to know the age and condition of the septic system. If you think you might want to add a bedroom, make sure the septic system is big enough — when it comes time to get permits, municipalities gauge septic capacity on bedrooms, not the number of bathrooms.


“I love the view, the lot, and

the neighborhood.

This house has such great

potential, let’s open it up.”

What We’ve Done

Several recent projects were homes that had suffered from deferred maintenanceneeded more space, or didn’t reflect their owners’ styles. The houses had been purchased for location, the view, or it’s potential. “I can’t change that,” said one, pointing out the windows to the wooded lot with a pond in the distance. Turning inside, she pointed at the dated kitchen and old pine paneling, “This we can change.” Our CEO, Pete, had looked at the home before settlement. He was there, with designs, an hour after the new home owners got the keys.

The project was done in four months, creating an all-new kitchen and living area.

Are you looking for that fixer-upper? Live in one and finally want to make it your own? Want more information about our Project Evaluation Program?

Call Us