We’re embarking on a great new project close to the office — we’re upscaling an exterior on a home with lots of potential in Honey Brook. We’re giving it a whole new look, while making the most of its cozy cottage lines. The owners have been wanting to make over the exterior for quite some time, and it’s finally coming into view.

In the Beginning

We’re starting with an older home with good lines that we can expand on. It’s going to go from fairly plain to something with a classic yet modern style, with many cool details that will transform this home from “meh” to “wow.”















ThThe Plan

We’ll be adding siding, in a dark tone, redesigning the front entrance and adding a mudroom to the rear, with doggy door attached to a run for the owners three dogs. The doors and accents will be orange, new windows will be installed, the non-working shutters are coming off,  and the roof built out to create deeper eaves with lighting added at the soffits.

The Drawings

This is where things get fun. Check out the difference!




The three dogs will be able to come and go into the side yard, and fencing and gates tie into the already fenced-in back yard. Without the run, the owners have to leash the dogs and walk them to the dog yard — which is a drag in rain, snow, and cold.  To the left of the mudroom is a trash corral in corrugated metal, shielding garbage and recycling containers from view.

And that lighting scheme under the new eaves? Check it out:


We’ll keep you updated on our progress, here and on our Facebook page!

See another exterior project here.

Is there a remodeling project — inside or out — you’ve been putting off? Tell us about it.

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