Most of our clients start out with a focus on the primary project they wish to tackle.  But as the planning process unfolds, they realize that while the work is going on there are other things that can be tackled by the subcontractors who are already on the job.  Homeowners recognize they might as well kill two (or more!) birds with one stone. Some examples of “while you’re here” work might include:

  • Exterior repairs for siding and trim
  • Hanging a porch swing
  • Painting or flooring in other parts of the house
  • Switching out light fixtures or other items in other rooms.

While including extra work in your primary project is an excellent way to address deferred maintenance or just get caught up on your list around the house, here are some smart tips to improve the outcome and reduce the costs associated with this work.

  • Plan the work in advance. This will get you better pricing from the subcontractors when included as a part of the original scope of work, as opposed to introducing it late in the game as a Change Order.
  • Understand that “While You’re Here” work will extend the timeline of the project.
  • Let your Project Manager handle the scheduling of these items – you don’t want to interrupt the delicate workflow of the primary project with misplaced side items.

While these items are best planned in advance, it is inevitable that some may be introduced later in the project. In that case, we will coordinate the timing of the work and process the costs for you as a Change Order. Smart scheduling will help keep these costs under control.

It’s important when deciding on a remodeling project to take into consideration the other things that need to be done at your home that may seem unrelated to the primary project. Once your brand new project is completed, it will only make the older, more tired parts of your home seem less inviting. Consider developing a well-planned “While You’re Here” list as a smart part of any major remodeling project. Let us know if we can help.

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