If you are interested in remodeling or decorating you have to check out Houzz!

Houzz is the one of the fastest growing online communities that features photos, ideas and discussions on remodeling and decorating. It’s a free resource that you can access at home or on the go from a mobile device.

How does Houzz work?

It’s easy – you just sign up for a free profile and start searching.  You can look for a specific type of professional in your city, view their profile, and read their reviews. Or, you can simply search the database of photos to get ideas.  Photos are categorized by style, type of room, paint colors, architectural details…you name it!  Users set up “idea books” where you save photos of projects you like.  You can share your idea books with friends and family and even invite them to collaborate with you.

In addition to the search functionality, users can post a design question, review and comment on discussions, and read through Houzz’s tremendous library of trend articles.

Why do we love Houzz?

As a remodeler, Houzz offers us the opportunity to showcase our work, provide client reviews, and creates a platform for collaboration with our clients.  We make it a practice to introduce new clients to Houzz and together we curate idea books that serve as design inspiration for their remodeling project.

We think you will love Houzz like we do. Get your feet wet but checking out our profile and while you are there please click the “follow” button. We invite you to ask questions about our projects and we will continue to update our profile with all of our latest projects.




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